yeloooow fellaas :)

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Monday, October 14, 2013

Seven months later~

hey hey heey
setelah sekian lama ga ngepost! 
I even not recognize I have a blough here.
sungguh terlalu.
blognya udah di PHP-in tujuh bulan. dicuekin. dibikin galau. uuw~
it feels like I've a break with my blog dan saatnya CLBK. fufu *peluk blough*

setelah aku accidently ngebuka blog sendiri. I could just feel how desperate and lonely 'she' could been in 7 months without me. (and just now I called my blog with "SHE" ???) yaampun gatau itu salah tulis atau apa. tapi bytheway mengingat tampilannya yang unyu unyu gini kayanya panteslah dipanggil "she". setuju blough?

OKAY! ini bener bener super random post.
Setelah tujuh bulan ga ngepost dan akhirnya gue cuma bisa ngepost yang ga mutu and un-useful kaya gini :(
ah whatever. this is my blog and I'll post everything the way I wanted to.
lagian siapa juga yang bakal baca?

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