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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It's December 6, 2011

It's December 6, 2011
Can you believe that?
In a week. My relationship with Permata hidayat Ashar Would be 4 !! 4 YEARS . 48 MONTHS . 192 WEEKS OR 1440 DAYS !
Ow My Gawd, I know maybe It's just an ordinary thing in a relationship and love life thing. I mean, outside there Some couples even could make it 9 or 15 years. but It's just very very important to me.
I even can't remember how many troubles had we face together since start line. how many times we fighting for a small or a "make it huge" troubles. or sometimes tragedy like 'little break up' even happen to us. yeah sometimes. one or two..? maybe three times..LOL
often,we both will yelling to each other.but then we will missing each other again. and make it up just like nothing happen.we'll always back into each other.
That's the most IMPORTANT thing is. rite?

We knew we were in love each other. we were needed each other.
no one of us will survive without one each other. I knew it. he knew it.
I expect my life for him okay. It feels like you just found what you were looking for,for over whole your can lose it.even for any second.

I love him.that's all I know.
and that's more than everything.

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