yeloooow fellaas :)

welcome in @centiyah 's page

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December 13th, 2011

Hey It's 13-12-11
My 4th anniversary with my Permata Hidayat Ashar :)

and I never want this relationship end!
I love you my permata.more than everything.

Monday, December 12, 2011

December 12th, 2011

Hey, ternyata hari ini 12 December.tapi gue mager banget buat nulis lanjutan ceritanya. menurut lo gimana?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It's December 6, 2011

It's December 6, 2011
Can you believe that?
In a week. My relationship with Permata hidayat Ashar Would be 4 !! 4 YEARS . 48 MONTHS . 192 WEEKS OR 1440 DAYS !
Ow My Gawd, I know maybe It's just an ordinary thing in a relationship and love life thing. I mean, outside there Some couples even could make it 9 or 15 years. but It's just very very important to me.
I even can't remember how many troubles had we face together since start line. how many times we fighting for a small or a "make it huge" troubles. or sometimes tragedy like 'little break up' even happen to us. yeah sometimes. one or two..? maybe three times..LOL
often,we both will yelling to each other.but then we will missing each other again. and make it up just like nothing happen.we'll always back into each other.
That's the most IMPORTANT thing is. rite?

We knew we were in love each other. we were needed each other.
no one of us will survive without one each other. I knew it. he knew it.
I expect my life for him okay. It feels like you just found what you were looking for,for over whole your can lose it.even for any second.

I love him.that's all I know.
and that's more than everything.

Monday, December 5, 2011


hey guys.heyhey

I'm a little bit confused how to start it.
On the frist time I use blogger, I do really wanna post know,,useful for the peoples. updated information maybe. Yeah,you can see that on the first and second posts..
but then, I had second though that
am I really gonna update it?? all the time??
I mean I'm a moody girl.totally.and just like what you saw,I give up with it.
and finally I decided just to post everything I feel here.
Yeah,just like my "seceret electronic diary" who can read by anyone 'lucky' remember my blog only have 1 follower and i don't know her at all. and i even couldn't imagine why was she followed me?
and remember again,because I have nothing here (in this blog) I also didn't tell anyone abaout this blog. my boy, my friends, my family, parents, my facebook friends? NONE.
so lets just enjoy it. just you and me.
or maybe it's just between me and myself :) xoxoxo

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Yuk! Cuci Tangan!

Eits,jangan sepelekan hal remeh temeh ini. Asal lo tau yaa, ASAL LO TAU YAAA (eehm.santai ) mencuci tangan lo itu bisa menghindarkan kita semua dari PENYAKIT.
Alhamduuu...LILLAAAH !
Dan LO TAU GA SEEEEHHH?? Pasti gatau. PBB menetapkan tanggal  15 OKTOBER sebagai  HARI CUCI TANGAN SEDUNIA
Alhamduu...LILLAAAH !
1.       Pentingnya Cuci Tanga
Pernah ga lo ngebayangin berapa miliyaaryaaryaar bakteri  ato virus yang nemplok ditangan lo semua sebelum dan sesudah kita makan,waktu bersin-bersin (haaatsyii) , waktu lo ke toileeet (dibaca : ee’) ato bahkan waktu lo sibuk main “ kuch-kuch hotta hai “ sama yayang lo.  Tangan kitalah yang seringkali jadi perantara berbagai bakteriiiy dan viiiyruus untuk masuk ke dalam tubuh lo.  Denger? KE DALEM TUBUUUH LOOO! (uhuk.santai)
Makanya lo dengerin gue.kalo mencuci tangan adalah tindakan termudah tergampang tersimple buat MENCEGAH penyebaran penyakit sepeeerti titik dua : (dibaca : ga dibaca) Diare, cacingan (lo banget) , Infeksi saluran Pernafasan Akut (ISPA) , TBC bahkan penyakit mematikan sepertiiy SARS, flu burung (H5N1) , dan flu babi (H1N1)
2.       Cara Mencuci  Tangan LO yang bener

Cara mencuci tangan yang bener harus menggunakan SABUN. LO DENGER?? SABUN!
Tapi lo tenang aja,gue ga nyuruh lo bwt pake LIFEB***UOY. Terserah  sabun murah apapun yang lo pake, yang penting SABUN.oke ini dia
*Basahin kedua tangan lo dengan air yang mengalir. MENGALIR
*Sabuni kedua sisi tangan lo mulai dari pergelangan tangan sampe ujung jari LO!
*Dan lo jangan lupa menggosyook gsyok kinclong sela sela jari lo. Karena disana tempatnya kuman-kuman sembunyi, (emang lo doang yang suka tempat sempit?)
*Lakukan penyabunan ini selama 20 detik. Kalo perlu sabunin jam ato hape lo sekalian.oke
*Keringkan tangan dengan TISU. Kalo lo gabisa beli tisu. Handuk jamuran lo juga bolehlah.

3.       Fakta Seputar Mencuci Tangan

*Fakta 1: Kalo lo pake cairan antiseptik doang ga seefektif lo cuci tangan pake SABUN. Menurut Wallace Kelly cairan antiseptik yang lo pake itu ga efektif buat ngebunuh bakteri E-coli dan Salmonella

*Fakta2 : Mencuci tangan dengan air panas lebih bersih hasilnyee. Suhunya cukup 45 derajat celcius aja. Gue gamau terjerat dan tertuntut Cuma garagara ada yang tersesat. Dan tangan LO melepuh karna patuh sama gue!
*Fakta3 : Tisu basah yang anti bakteri pun gabisa membersihkan tangan dengan maksimal
        *Fakta4 : Mesin pengering tangan yang biasanya ada di MALL dan digunain secara umum ternyata menampung banyak bakteri looooooh.

Oke sekian dulu dan terimakasih sodara sodara. KISS LOVE AND GAOOL